Sports Injury Clinic Cardiff

Sports Injuries

If you’ve recently picked up a sports injury, or if you’ve been suffering with an injury for a while – it can be very tempting to pass it off as “nothing serious” and simply “put up with it” carrying on as best you can. Or, it can be very easy to get disheartened and end up feeling “stuck”, wondering if you’ll ever be able
to get back to playing sport or keeping active like you used to. . .

At cardiff pain & performance we have experience in helping everyone from recreational sports people to elite athletes with 

  • Tendonitis
  • Running & Cycling Injuries
  • Bursitis
  • Strains & Sprain
  • Rehab Post Surgery
  • Ligament Damage
  • Ankle and Knee Pain
  • Post Concussion Rehab
Our team of Cardiff chiropractors and osteopaths are here to help you recover and get back to what you love doing. Book a free assessment session by clicking the button below.