Expert Treatment for Pain & Injury

We founded this clinic with a clear mission: to help people break free from pain and regain the ability to enjoy their daily lives without limitations. Whether it’s returning to a favorite sport, playing with family, or simply moving with ease at work or home, we are dedicated to providing expert care and tailored treatment plans that empower our patients to live pain-free.

Our clinicians are trained as primary healthcare practitioners to diagnose and treat Musculoskeletal issues. From Low Back Pain to Headaches, we use a combination of Manual Therapy, Movement and a deep understanding of how Pain works to get you back to doing what you love as fast as possible.

We first have to recognise WHY you have the issue you do. This means, do you have a STRUCTURAL complaint such as:

If you do, we will diagnose the issue and get you a recovery plan for this issue to heal. This means all injuries should heal and be pain free within 6 months. If you have had pain for more than 6 months, the issue should have healed.

Now – The nervous system is still giving you pain to protect you. This is CHRONIC pain, and requires a deeper approach to resolve. 

We specialise in making the complex simple and helping unwind chronic pain back to being pain free.

What does an Osteopath Do?

Osteopathy is a system of hands on care to help the body to get back to health and wellness. A non invasive and drug-free approach, it uses subtle mobilisations and manipulations of the body to calm down the nervous system, relax joints and muscles, all in order to reduce pain and improve overall health. Here at Cardiff Pain & Performance our Osteopaths work to assess you as whole person, considering your medical and injury history to figure out WHY your pain has not gone away.

Our Osteopaths are also trained in P-DTR and Dry Needling Acupuncture.

We are Europe’s leading Clinic in the “P-DTR” Method – Which is a unique approach to resolving Chronic Pain. This gentle, non invasive and pain free approach allows us to find areas of the body that the Brain is seeing as “threatening” and as a result, increasing Pain signals to the body.

We are then able to reset the link between body and brain to prevent these signals from being sent.

This blend of approaches is what has given our Clinic the excellent local reputation and array of 5* Reviews we have gained in a short space of time.

Common Conditions Treated

Our clinicians are trained to diagnose and treat low back pain. From acute muscle strains, to disc injuries, sciatica, chronic pain, arthritis and more. We take a thorough assessment to get a root cause understanding of your issue.

Back pain can be caused by an acute injury, such as sprain or strain. It can also often be caused due to a problem elsewhere.

Our clinicians look at the body as a whole. We recognise that when the Back hurts for “no apparent reason” – It often means that the back is the GOOD GUY. It is the compensation. So our job is to look for the key area, often a past injury, that is the real cause of your current complaint.

We are trained as primary healthcare practitioners to diagnose and treat Musculoskeletal issues such as Neck Pain. We first have to recognise WHY you have the issue you do. This means, do you have a STRUCTURAL complaint such as:

  • Disc Prolapse
  • Degeneration
  • Ligament Tear / Strain

If you do, we will diagnose the issue and get you a recovery plan for this issue to heal. This means all injuries should heal and be pain free within 6 months. If you have had pain for more than 6 months, the issue should have healed. So what has gone wrong? The nervous system is still giving you pain to protect you. This is CHRONIC pain, and requires a deeper approach to resolve. We specialise in making the complex simple and helping unwind chronic pain, to help you get back to the best version of yourself.

Headaches and Migraines are two very separate conditions. Headaches can be classified as a Tension Headache, Cervicogenic (Neck) Headache, Cluster Headache and more. Migraines are another form of Headache that often involve other symptoms such as visual changes, tingling and neurological changes.

Our job is to diagnose you with the correct form of Headache so we can best tackle the issue.

We also utilise our RightEye technology within the Clinic to get a deeper understanding of how your Eyes and Ears work.

What many people do not understand is that the eyes, neck and balance system are all tied together. Often tension in the neck (leading to headaches) is a compensation for faulty eye muscles and balance issues.

We often are able to then relate this back to past Injuries such as Whiplash or Concussion.

All of our osteopaths have Masters degrees, whereby they are trained as Primary Healthcare Practitioners to help diagnose your complaint accurately.

Sciatica is a often misunderstood issue whereby there is compression or irritation onto the Sciatic nerve which runs from the Low Back, down the back of the leg to the foot. Most people with Back Pain are told they have “Sciatica” when in fact, they DO NOT.

The Sciatic nerve can become irritated for a number of reasons, from Degeneration, Muscle Tension, Disc Bulges and more. When irritated, we can often feel a sharp, shooting, electric shock like pain down the back of the leg, often accompanied with tingling or numbness.

We use a number of techniques to allow the Nerve to heal, and get you back on track. Based on our Unique 5 Step Process, we use our Thor Red Light Laser to help improve the initial healing. Once done, we use hands on techniques to allow the body to settle, reduce pain and free movement.

We can progress you through a bespoke exercise plan, housed within our Members Portal.

The Goal is to not just get you out of Pain, but to end up with a stronger back so that the issue does not re-occur!

Meet Our Team

Gareth Cox

Co-Owner and Osteopath M(Ost) P-DTR CFMP

Gareth graduated with a Masters degree in Osteopathy in 2014, and quickly went on to develop his skill set by learning from the worlds best movement and neurology experts. As a previous high level badminton player, Gareth enjoys keeping an active lifestyle and helping educate people about Health & Wellness to maintain a Pain free life. Gareth is also a Functional Medicine Practitioner, helping patients solve complex health issues through bespoke Nutrition & Lifestyle plans. He lectures in the P-DTR method around Europe and the UK alongside Clinical work.

Luke Smith

Associate Osteopath

Luke received a Masters in Osteopathy (M.Ost) from Swansea University. He aims to identify the root cause of pain, giving hands on treatment alongside lifestyle advice and education. Throughout his sporting career he participated in a variety of sports at high levels and experienced a range of injuries which he has been treated for by a osteopath and has been amazed by the results of treatment. Luke’s own experience as a keen sportsman informs his approach to treatment, rehabilitation and health and wellbeing advice.

Luke Smith

Associate Osteopath

Luke received a Masters in Osteopathy (M.Ost) from Swansea University. He aims to identify the root cause of pain, giving hands on treatment alongside lifestyle advice and education. Throughout his sporting career he participated in a variety of sports at high levels and experienced a range of injuries which he has been treated for by a osteopath and has been amazed by the results of treatment. Luke’s own experience as a keen sportsman informs his approach to treatment, rehabilitation and health and wellbeing advice.

Osteopathic Techniques Used

We use a variety of hands on techniques to help you get out of Pain. This variety allows us to tailor an approach to each individual patient, and no treatment looks the same.

Gentle mobilisations and movements of the joints allow better blood flow and lymphatic drainage, as well as giving the brain an better understanding of what the issue is.

Soft tissue techniques ease tensions and strains in the body, relaxing muscles and improving blood flow.

Manipulations allow the nervous system to reset the link to the joint and help it relax.

As well as these traditional techniques, we embrace an innovative neurological approach to our care also. We are Europe’s leading clinic in a technique called P-DTR. This allows us to find areas of sensitivity around past trauma and “reset” them so that the Brain can finally stop Pain signals from being sent.

It is this unique approach that has led to our array of 5* reviews and excellent local reputation. We are often seen as the “last hope” for many patients with chronic pain, and using our unique blend and 5 Step Process, we shine a deeper light on understanding WHY a problem exists in the first place.

Personalised Treatment Plans

No two patients are treated the same at our Clinic. We tailor each treatment plan to your unique complaint.

This is because we do not treat your “condition” or “diagnosis” with a Cookie Cutter approach.

We instead, treat your unique root causes that led to the existence of your “diagnosis”.

This is only made possible due to our comprehensive initial assessment where we take the time to go through your history and story, undergo testing via our Force Plate and Right Eye Technology and blend all of our examination findings to conclude with a deep understand of each individual.

We can then lay out a Roadmap of what your unique recovery process will look like.

Benefits of Our Care

Holistic Approach

We are trained to look at the body as a whole unit, not a collection of individual areas such as the Neck or Back. We recognise that an issue (past or present) in one area, will often lead to compensations in another over time.

This is when patients are told that nothing is wrong – The scans are normal and there is no reason for the pain they feel.

In these cases, a complex web of compensations has often built up over time, where the back is trying to help the hip, but the hip is adjusting to compensate for the old ankle injury you suffered…

By taking the time to understand your past medical and injury history, we are able to build a story of your individual case, to understand why you have come to be where you are, and then put a roadmap in place to help you get back to 100%

How to Prepare For Your Visit

New patients should fill in the online intake form prior to their visit to the clinic. This will be seen in the confirmation email and text you will receive. This gives us a headstart to understand your case, and saves us asking too many questions at your consultation, which frees up time to help understand your issue.

Comfortable clothing is advised, sports clothes that is flexible and easy to manoeuvre.

We DO NOT ask our patient to undress, only if it is needed in the context of the treatment, but consent would be gained on the rare occasion that this would be necessary.

 We first will sit down and discuss your complaint before starting our examination.

We look at the way you stand and move, before feeling your muscles and joints. We then test you on our Right Eye and Force Plate Technology to look for any hidden reasons to why you have the issue you do.

Once understood, we can sit down and discuss the root cause of your issue and lay out a roadmap and treatment plan to help you get better.

If all is okay, we begin treatment on the first session and leave you with information resources and access to our members portal.

We pride ourselves on offering our patients a bespoke patient portal. This allows new patients to lifetime access to lifestyle and health advice, rehabilitation exercises and more.

Directions & Location Information

The clinic Is located just off Western Avenue, at the junction of Waungron, Ely and Pencisely Road.

We are located along a parade of shops with parking available at the front of the Clinic, as well as Free Parking on all local streets.

We are also conveniently a 5 minute walk from Waungron Road Train Station.

When locating the Clinic, be aware the Postcode may take you to the train station. Instead using Google Maps tends to take you to the doorstep, or instead look for the Co-Op and we are a few doors down on the other side of the array of shops.


Here at Cardiff Pain & Performance our Osteopaths work to assess you as whole person, considering your medical and injury history to figure out WHY your pain has not gone away.

We then specialise in using Neurological techniques to de-sensitise the Nervous System. 

We treat and help a range of conditions from Back & Neck Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Joint pain, muscle pain, sports injuries and more.

Our Cardiff Chiropractors and Osteopaths work in the same way, using our unique 5 step process to get you back to pain free as fast as possible. Unlike conventional Chiropractors and Osteopaths, we rely less on Manipulation and Massage to help your Pain.

We are experts in helping understand the source of your Sciatica, which can be due to a multitude of reasons. We then build you an individualised treatment plan based on your unique history. The aim is to eventually build up the strength in the area to prevent reoccurrence.
Back Pain is what we do! As primary healthcare professionals we are trained to diagnose and treat a range of musculoskeletal issues, and back pain is the most common. Very often though, the Back is not necessarily the “bad” guy. Instead it is common that the muscles around the Back are tightening to protect you, and compensate for a past injury elsewhere. Our job is to identify where the real problem is, and fix it.
We ask patients to wear loose comfortable clothing such as active or sports wear to the Clinic. You will not be required to undress, but we will need to move you around, so loose clothing is preferrable.
Yes. Most Sports Injuries are an over use based injury, such as a Tendonitis. This means that there is something mechanical going wrong, and one area is being overused, versus an area being underused. The key is to figure out, where did this begin? The story to your injury likely started a long time before you felt any pain.. Taking an in depth injury history will help us isolate the source of your comaplaint.